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Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Review of Saige and her Collection

Today I am doing a review of Saige and her collection.
Ok I love Saige! 3 reasons:
1. Sage is my brother's name.
2. I'm from New Mexico even though I live in Colorado!
3. I'm an artist!
Anyways now onto the review:
Saige Doll and Book:
I love her! Her hair is gorgeous. Her boots are cool. I think the dress is a cool style (not something AG has shown before) but the colors aren't my fave. However, I do understand the colors in her collection...the balloons! They're truly spectacular and colorful so they based her collection off that. Cool huh? But all the dolls are now $110 so I won't be getting her.
Saige's Pajamas for Doll
Bleh. I hate this outfit. The colors just don't work. It's not as cute as it could have been. Different , vibrant colors would have made it better.
Saige's Parade Outfit & Hat
This is kinda cute, in my opinion. The shirt is great and the hats are cool. I love her boots...I love all boots actually. I know it's the country style of pants but I'm not big on it.
Saige's Sparkle Dress
Her hair is so pretty here! Now to the outfit. I love it. I love the dress and the necklace. I love the sparkle and the color. I think that for this, boots weren't the best choice. Sandals or flats would have been better. But overall this is something I would wear!
Saige's Sweater Outfit
I love the legging sweater combo. I think this is fun and cute!
Although there are more stuff this is the last thing I'm gonna review:
Saige's Hot Air Balloon Set
I love this. THose little accessories are cool! I don't know what the point of it is. But because of Saige's story and collection it fits right in with New Mexico. But $150? Mattel is definitely crazy!

Thanks for reading! These are just my opinions and you are entitled to yours. I would be thrilled if you let me know what you think in the comments on THIS post.


  1. 3 words: YOU LUCKY DUCK

    1. ??? I didn't get all of this. I was just reviewing the collection.
